Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kiwi Fruit

It's breakfast time and John Patrick and I are in the kitchen, shortly before I head to work. We're listening to his favorite cd, the Barenaked Ladies children's album, "Snacktime." He's moving his head from side to side, in time with the music. It's a good morning.

There's something amazing about watching him hold the plastic fork in one hand and, concentrating, carefully spear a piece of kiwi fruit, then place it in his mouth. It's a new trick. Every time he does, I clap and laugh, then he looks at me like, "hey, Dad, what's the big deal." Pretty cool.

Today, the menu was a slice of toast, bacon (he loves bacon), cheerios (which he insisted on fishing out of his bowl of milk) and kiwi fruit. Now, he's leaning back in his high chair, contentedly drinking a bottle of milk. One of our cats, N.C., is scavenging around the floor underneath his high chair, looking for scraps of food.

That's it, that's our morning. Now, I'm off to work.

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