Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One of Those Nights

Tonight was one of those nights where I found myself feeling so happy to live where I live - in the city.  Never a dull moment and always something to do.  A near perfect night, really.

After dinner and bed for J.P., Joe and I strolled down to Belmont Boulevard.  For the second time in the past week, we stopped in at Cha Chah, a restaurant next door to Chago's Cantina.  I rolled the stroller into the bar, moved a couple of bar stools, and sat down.  We had the bar to ourselves.  I read a book on my Kindle Fire, drank a glass of wine and talked to the bartender and a server about music, books and iPhone apps.  

Then, Joe and I strolled home on a beautiful, early fall night.

My 'hood is my home and has been for the last ten years.  Initially, after Jude and got married and I moved into our house on Elliott Avenue, I thought, "what in the hell have you gotten yourself into."  Now, I can't imagine not living where I live, in the city.  So much to do, so many places to walk to, so many friends I've made and so many walks I've gone on with J.P. first, and now, Joe.  I realize I don't live in a big city, but this city - Nashville - at least where I live, is a part of me and always will be.    

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