Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

Tonight, after dinner, we decorated the Christmas tree.  My favorite month of the year is December and my favorite holiday, by far, is Christmas, so it stands to reason that I love decorating the Christmas tree.  Over the years, we've accumulated of all shapes and sizes, the majority of which have sentimental value of some sort to me (I am, of course, the kind of nostalgia).

JP was berside himself with excitement.  When I pulled up in front of the house after work, I could see him in the large, glass, oval window of our front door, literally jumping up and down with anticipation.  

After we finished decorating the Christmas tree, we turned the lights off in the den so we could look at it.  With Joey beside me on the floor, I began playing "DJ," cueing up ramdom songs on my cell phone w/Spotify and the Jawbone Bluetooth speaker.  JP and Jude danced together in front of the Christmas, spinning around and laughing uncontrollably, as I played the "Spin Doctors" and "Cowboy Mouth," among others.  

My enduring memory - another "snapshot moment" - will be of the two of them dancing and laughing together in the dark in front of our beautiful Christmas tree, their faces illuminated only by the white lights on the tree.  

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