Thursday, March 19, 2009

Goodnight Moon

I've got a three day jury trial coming up a little more than two weeks, so I'm having to work a little later than I like each night. Tonight, I didn't get home until 7:30 p.m., right about the time John Patrick was finishing dinner. He really lifted my spirits, as I held him in my lap and watched part of a first round game on day one of the NCAA Tournament.

A few minutes later, I took him upstairs to get him ready for bed. Jude came upstairs and sat down with him in the glider, to read to him, then give him a bottle of formula before he went to bed. What happened next was really, really cool.

As I was about to leave the nursery and go the gym for quick workout, Jude looked at John Patrick, and said, "say night, night." John Patrick looked at me, paused a few seconds, then said, "na, na," or something that sounded like that. I was amazed. She repeated herself, and again, he said, "na, na." Wow.

It seems like, the past couple of weeks, he's learning new things every couple of days. On command, he can clap and pat his tummy, which is funny. When we ask him what sound a cow makes, he says, "mmmmmm," as opposed to "mooooooo." He recognizes the word, though, and always makes the same sound. Good stuff.

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