Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Time to Give Thanks

It's late on Thanksgiving. Jude and John Patrick are upstairs, fast asleep.

We had a nice, albeit rushed, meal at my mother's house this afternoon, before driving over to the Walkers' condominium in Franklin to have dinner with Jude's family. Although he missed his afternoon nap, John Patrick was in high spirits all day. He was a bundle of energy. At my mother's house, he was particularly interested in a miniature vacuum cleaner she has, spending the better part of an hour pushing it on the carpet and making what passed for a vacuum cleaner noise. At the Walkers' condominium, he walked up and down the stairs, repeatedly.

On a night like tonight, after such a full day spent with family, I can't help but think how lucky I am and how God has blessed me.

I have a wonderful wife, who has dedicated her professional life to serving others. She walks the walk, every day. As accomplished as Jude is professionally, she's an even better mother. She's given me the gift of learning to be open minded and to do and experience things that take me out of my comfort zone.

I have a healthy, beautiful, loving son, around whom my world revolves. I can't remember life without him. I learn more about life from him every day than he possibly learns from me.

I have a mother whom I talk to daily, or nearly so. Her zest for life is unmatched and rarely a day goes by that she doesn't make me laugh or I don't make her laugh. My sister, Tracy, and my cousin, Alice, are married to good, decent family men who treat them with respect and love. Tracy's children, Kaitlyn and Matthew, are bright, happy, well adjusted kids.

I have been accepted into and become a part Jude's family, which means the world to me. I couldn't have selected better in-laws or a better brother-in-law. Jude's extended family has become my extended family. It's been such a blessing to watch Jude's younger cousins grow into adults and begin to make their way in the world.

I have a thriving law practice, started from scratch more than 12 years ago. My law partners, Mark and Chas, are accomplished, well respected lawyers with whom I am privileged to go to work every day. More importantly, they're my friends and there's nothing I wouldn't do for them and them for me.

I have a house in a neighborhood I love. I have books to read and music to listen to. I run. I am healthy, happy and I laugh every day. Even better, I make other people laugh every day, too.

I am thankful for all these things. God is good.

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