Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Potty Wars

Lately, we've been smack in the middle of "the potty wars."

Several times a day, after a little - okay, a lot - of cajoling from Jude, Carley (our nanny) or me, J.P. sits on the potty. And, the great thing is, the last week or so, he almost always "goes pee pee in the potty," as he describes it. "Just like Daddy!" It's not exactly "just like Daddy," since he's sitting down and, well, never mind. You get the idea.

We're not to the point where he asks to go potty, but we're getting there. I think that's the next step. We're also not quite to the "poo poo in the potty" stage either, but Rome wasn't built in day, as the saying goes.

Last weekend, I bought J.P. a Sesame Street potty seat to use in the bathroom in his room. It was huge hit, as he wanted to take it down and look at it every few minutes. The best part was he wanted to sit on it, so he could look down and point out all of the Sesame Street characters on it (Big Bird, Elmo, etc.). If I had known it was going to be that big of a hit, I would have got it a few months ago. It's funny - things like the Sesame Street potty seat - we just stumble into and they work, while others don't.

Today, at bedtime, Jude proudly announced J.P. had worn "pull ups" all day long and had not gotten them wet once. Instead, he had "gone pee pee in the potty" every time. Another first and another sign that my son is growing up faster than I'd like him to. The idea of not changing his diapers, while somewhat liberating, is a little sad to me, too. Strange, but true.

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