Saturday, April 20, 2013


One of the true blessings in my life is watching J.P. and Joe interact with each other.  

Jude and I are lucky in that form the day we brought Joe home from the hospital, J.P. has never shown a bit of jealously toward him.  If anything, we've had to caution J.P., at times, to give Joe some space and not love on him too much.  

J.P. can make Joe laugh, anytime, anywhere.  Occasionally, when I'm feeding Joe and he starts fussing and doesn't want to eat, J.P. will start making faces at him or making noises.  Immediately, Joe stares at J.P., starts smiling and I'm able get him to eat again.  Joe idolizes his big brother.

Last night, Jude was upstairs, getting the boys ready for bed.  I heard J.P. laughing, followed by Joe laughing.  I went upstairs and found Joe, with Jude, laying on his back in our bed.  Suddenly, J.P. ran into the room and yelled, loudly, then laughed hysterically and ran out of the room.  Joe screamed just as loudly, then laughed hysterically, kicking his feet in the air the whole time.  And they did it again, and again, and again, yelling, screaming and laughing the entire time.  Jude and I couldn't stop laughing either, just watching them. 

It was pretty awesome.

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