Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Back in Business

For the first time in six weeks, I'm sitting in Honest Coffee Roasters having a cup of coffee before work.  In my own mug, mind you, but still.  And my baristas are wearing masks.  And there are only a couple of other patrons in the shop and they're maintaining their distance from me and me from them.

Social distance.

So, here I am again.  I'm set to mediate a case - day 2 - in less than an hour and I'm having a cup of coffee beforehand at my favorite coffee shop in the world.  Anthony - a world class, touring drummer - is making coffee drinks this morning, wearing his purple baseball cap.

It's like I never left.  And, maybe, just maybe, it's like the last six weeks and the coronavirus never happened.  Just for a minute, anyway.  Soon enough, it's back out to the real world.  NPR and NYT stories about death, PPE and mask shortages, and hardship.

But now, just for a moment, I'm going to sit here and enjoy my coffee.

Like a normal person.

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