Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Summer of the Kid

This morning, I left the house early because I'm covered up at work and have a busy day ahead of me.  Plus, I have to build in time for coffee (and writing) at Dose, where I am right now.  Joe was still asleep, Jude was on her morning walk, and JP was gone for a run.  A perfect description of the majority of our summer mornings.  

When I hurriedly stepped out the front door, backpack slung over my shoulder, tie knotted around my neck and wearing a forest green sports jacket, I stopped for a second when I saw JP's Honda Pilot parked on the street across from the house.  Before he started his run, he had taken his shirt off and left it hanging on the side view mirror.  I smiled to myself and stood quietly, just for a moment, taking it all in.  

What a summer to be JP.  16 years old.  Driving Jude's 19 year old Honda Pilot ,everywhere, with such pride, after she bequeathed it to him when he turned 16 in late March.  Running shirtless all over the neighborhood every morning, as he prepares for the cross country season.  So disciplined and dedicated.  Working the MBA all-sports camps earlier in the summer and the MBA baseball camp this week.  Doing his summer reading for school.

Smiling, I got in my truck and began my drive to Dose.  A few minutes later, as I drove up Fairfax near Eakin Elementary School, I saw JP running toward me.  Shirtless, rightly proud of his thin, fit, and slightly muscled physique ,running fast and comfortably with an endless summer day  - and his whole life - in front of him.  

Youth.  Resplendent and beautiful on a summer morning.  

He saw me and lifted his face to the sky as he yelled - in triumph or, maybe, outright joy - and stuck his left arm out as he veered toward me.  He slapped my hand as he ran by, a huge smile on his face and his hair flopping every which way.  

And then he was gone and I was off to work.

It was like a rainbow that briefly appears during a summer rainstorm, then quickly disappears as the rain stops.  

It was a beautiful moment and one I won't forget.  

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