Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Sunday night, Jude, her parents and I took J.P. (dressed as a fireman) trick-or-treating on Oakland Avenue, a street a half mile or so away from our house.  We met Jude's cousin, Chad White, and his wife, Misty, and their kids, Colton (a.k.a. "Cletus") and Maddie, at my old friend David Bailey's house.  David and his wife invited several families over for Halloween, so we all left from his house and "worked" both sides of the street.

The homeowners on Oakland Avenue really take Halloween seriously.  Several (including my friend, Ken "Frankenstein" Weber) dressed up in costumes to hand out candy to the children.  There were Halloween decorations everywhere, on houses and in yards.  Best of all, there were children everywhere, all trick-or-treating.

J.P. seemed to enjoy himself, although he was a bit overwhelmed at times by the crowd.  Jude held his hand as they walked up to house after house to trick-or-treat.  Jude's parents, Jim and Jane, enjoyed watching him while I took pictures.  At one house, a nice lady gave him a glow-in-the-dark bracelet, which he played with the rest of the night.  Good stuff.

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