Friday, March 11, 2022

Spring Breaking

It's March 10 and it's snowing outside because, well, of course it is.  

And not a little snow, either.  There's probably an inch on the ground and it's still coming down.  Granted, it's more crystals than snowflakes and it's not sticking on the street, but still . . . snow.  In March.

It's late and the boys are in bed.  I'm in my office, drinking a glass of red wine (Italian), listening to the Jayhawks.  I've had a Jayhawks' renaissance as of late.

Against my better judgment, we're driving to 30A - Santa Rosa Beach - for spring break tomorrow morning.  By we, I mean every single family with a child in public or private school in Williamson or Davidson Counties.  

I'm such a dumbass.

Traffic.  Crowds.  Cold weather.  An ocean too cold to swim in (same with the pool).  Omicron.  Did I mentioned the crowds?

I've always avoided the spring break trip to 30A that everyone else takes.  Three years ago - the year before the pandemic - a hurricane saved us and we canceled our trip at the last minute.  This year, no such luck.  Tomorrow morning, probably not as early as I would like, off we go.

The boys are excited, of course, and Jude is, too.  I'll be fine, I guess, after we arrive.  As always, we're staying in Old Florida Village, across 30A from the beach.  I'm having a golf cart delivered to the house, something we started doing a few years ago to make it easier to get back and forth to the beach.  It's not cheap but it's worth it, particularly because it keeps my truck from getting trashed.  

I am looking forward to slowing down a bit even if it is just for a week.  Hopefully, I'll get to run every day on the Longleaf Pine Trail.  It's one of my favorites and I'm looking forwarding to introducing it to JP. I'll read a lot, I know, and work a bit, too.  That's just part of the deal - have laptop, will work.  

It's funny but this may be one of the last trips - certainly, for spring break, when JP will want to hang out with Jude, Joe, and me.  He'll be 14, almost 15, next year, and spending time with the family might not hold much attraction for him at that point in time.  

Amavida and Sunrise Coffee for my morning (or afternoon) coffee.  Blue Mountain Creamery, for sure.  I've already alerted our friend, Jed, whose family owns the Creamery, that we're coming to town.  Pizza at the Pickle Factory.  Bud & Alley's in Seaside, a favorite of JP's.  

And so it goes.  Spring break and our return to Santa Rosa Beach after two years away.  Two years in which we haven't traveled out of state as a family due to the pandemic.  

Time to hit the road again.


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