Thursday, August 8, 2024

Home on the Mountain

So, I find myself back on the Mountain on the last weekend of summer, as the boys start school next week.  Joe is in bed upstairs and I'm having a whiskey downstairs, after he and I ate at High Point.  Joe, my foodie and travel companion.  He loves a good meal at a restaurant, as do I.  

Joe and I share a love of good food and so many other things.  Music, especially.  I'm listening to "Hard Promises," one of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' early albums.  I love Petty more than anyone and, damn, so does Joe.  It's a bond between us, Joe and me, that will never be broken.  

Yesterday morning, I was driving Joe to cross country practice at USN, when for no apparent reason, I played Petty's "Crawling Back to You as we drove down Belmont Boulevard."  Joe looked at me seriously and said, "did you hear me humming that song this morning?"  "No," I relied.  He and I shook our heads and laughed.  Two peas in a pod, for sure.  

Sometimes, I think JP is more like Jude and Joe is more like me.  JP is quiet, contemplative, organized, reserved, cautious, and disciplined.  Those are all qualities he shares with Jude.  Joe is happy-go-lucky, outgoing, not as organized, absent minded at times, forgetful, funny, and easygoing.  That's me, in many ways.  

Still, Jude and I are so blessed to have the boys we have.  They're the best, period.  

It's been an eventful summer that's gone by too quickly, as always.  I've been busier at work then is healthy, I think particularly in July.  My associate, Andrea, is leaving after two years, too, which is tough.  It's hard to invest so much of myself in an attorney I hire, only to have her jump to another firm, but that's life.  I'll get through it because I always do.  

Lately, it seems like so many people I know have been ill, some critically.  A mentor, Don Smith, died.  Dave is dying.  Jerry is in the hospital and we're worried about him, and Alice.  Scott isn't well.  My friend, Trish, is guiding her husband, Kelly, through a terrible battle with colon cancer.  Mark's mom is struggling after hip surgery.  Peggy fell, broke her leg, and is struggling.  John Taylor, Chris Taylor's dad, died, on the heels of Lissa losing her mother.  

So much death and illness this summer.  I'm afraid it's just the age at which I've arrived, 58.  I hope it's just a bad run and that things will turn around.  I mean, damn, I really hope that's the case.  

So, here I am, in Monteagle, own the Mountain, staying in our favorite house up here.  We haven't been her in a while and it's so good to be back.  There are a lot of memories here.  Trips with the Allens, trips on our own.  An entire week in August during the pandemic, which was golden.  A December trip when it snowed the night we arrived.  Any many other trips.

I can't wait for Jude and JP to arrive tomorrow, so our family circle will be complete.  One last weekend tougher for the summer.  

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