Thursday, August 15, 2024

Third Time is Not the Charm - Covid-19 3.0

Here I go again.

Last Thursday, I noticed that my legal assistant looked tired.  She told me she hadn't slept well Wednesday night because she was congested.  I sent her out for a Covid-19 test and, sure enough, it popped +, so I kept her home the rest of the week.

While I knew I likely had been exposed, I thought I'd dodged a bullet because I felt perfect fine over the weekend in Monteagle and on Monday, when I returned to the office.  However, late Tuesday, I felt a tickle in the back of my throat.  Based on past experience for me, anyway, that's a telltale sign that Covid-19 has taken up residence.  Sure enough, I didn't sleep well Monday night, as I became congested while slept.  I had a meeting at the office I had to make on Tuesday morning but I went home I soon as it was over.  I picked up a couple of test kits from Walgreens, tested at home, and immediately got a + result.  

Shit.  Here we go again.  Round 3 with Covid-19.  

I had hoped that I wouldn't feel any worse than I did yesterday but, unfortunately, that hasn't been the case.    Last night was rough.  I had a splitting sinus headache all night long and, much like round 1 with Covid-19 a few years ago, my teeth ached.  I'm congested, too.  I'm hoping to avoid a sore throat and the hacking cough I had the first go round.

I did manage to walk, outside, for any our last night and again this morning.  My doctor told me the first time I had Covid-19 that getting outside in sunshine and trying to be relatively active was important.  I had to stop a couple of times this morning on my walk and sit down because may low back was aching badly.  Someone theorized that Covid-19 attacks your body where it's weakest and for sure, that's my low back.  Who knows?  I just want this to be over.

I'm immunized and boosted, which I guess is prudent.  That said, I can understand why some anti-vaxxers suggest it doesn't make sense to get vaccinated if you can still get Covid-19.  The idea that being vaccinated results in less severe symptoms is kind of lost on me, honestly, based on the way I felt last night and the way I feel today.  I'll continue to trust the science, as they say, but I can see the anti-vaxxers point more so that I have in the past.

The only positive thing that I can see out of this is that I will be clear - immunized, to quote Aaron Rogers - for the next three months or so after I recover from round 3.  I absolutely hate to be sick, so I can't wait to get on the mend and feel better.  I'm tired.  My sinuses hurt.  I"m congested.  I have a terrible headache.  

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