Thursday, July 10, 2008

Deep Thoughts (Not Really)

This morning, I had some extra time before our nanny, Carley Farley Meade, arrived at the house. John Patrick and I took a quick stroll around the neighborhood. He had been in an exceptionally good mood from the time we got him up.

Anyway, as we started off down the sidewalk, I had the roof of the City Elite pushed back, so John Patrick could look up at the trees, the sky, etc. He was still in his pajamas and as I rolled him along in the stroller, he was kicking his feet and wriggling around, which is one of the things he does when he's happy or having a good time.

From my vantage point behind the stroller, I couldn't see his face. Every few minutes, I stopped the stroller and walked around front and leaned down to talk to him. Each time I did that, his eyes opened really wide and he smiled up at me, like he was surprised and happy to see me. We played this game several times and every time I looked in at him, his eyes opened wide and he grinned. Pretty cool, huh?

That started me thinking, I wonder what John Patrick thinks is happening when he's laying in the stroller, awake, rolling through the neighborhood. He can't see me behind him, pushing the stroller. I wonder if he thinks the stroller is magic and just rolling along by itself, until I pop out in front of it every now and then to say hello. Maybe he thinks he's actually driving it.

Or, maybe, I have too much time on my hands.

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