Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday with Daddy

Today, I stayed home with John Patrick until about 1:30 p.m., when Jude came home from work and took over. I had to go into the office for a meeting late this afternoon.

We had a really nice, relaxing day together. This morning, he was hungry and ate well at breakfast, then chugged his milk like a champ. We played downstairs for a while, mostly hanging out on the blanket on the floor of our den. He took a nap for about an hour and half before lunch, which was nice. It's great because, almost always, he fusses a little bit when I put him down for nap, but then goes right to sleep.

When I woke him up from his morning nap about 10:00 a.m., I have him another bottle, which he hammered. Then, we loaded up and drove over to Wolf Camera on West End Avenue to have some photographs developed. He was awake the entire time we were there and, until the very end, sat patiently in his car seat while I reviewed digital photographs to print. When he got a little fussy, I put him in my lap as I finished up. When I went to pay, I just sat him on the counter.

Next, back home for lunch. He ate great again and Jude arrived home just after lunch.

Worth of note is the fact that as we sat in one of the "man chairs" after breakfast, he babbled away. For the first time, he said, "da-da-da-da-da-da-da." He hasn't made a "d" sound before, so I was pretty excited. He has no idea what it means, nor do I, but one can always dream.

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