Thursday, December 25, 2008

Visiting Santa

Lately, Jude and I have been feeling like slacker parents, since we hadn't made time to fight the crowds at the mall and take John Patrick to see Santa Claus. There being no time like the present and since Christmas was only a couple of days away, we agreed to meet at Green Hills Mall after work on Tuesday, the 23rd of December.

I was running a little bit late and my mood didn't improve, when I spent fifteen minutes playing musical chairs with other drivers, trying to find an open parking space. The drivers were cruising the parking lot like sharks, waiting for people to exit the mall, then trying to guess where their car was parked. As soon as someone walked up to his or her car, it was a mad dash as all of the rest of us wheeled down rows of parking spaces, trying to get to soon to be vacant space before one of the other competitors.

Once I got inside, I went upstairs and found Jude and John Patrick in line. My spirits lifted. There were about ten families in front of us and we waited more than an hour to see Santa Claus, but it was worth it. Once we got to the front of the line, John Patrick appeared perfectly comfortable in Santa's lap and smiled while his picture was taken. A piece of cake, really.

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