Today, Jude had to leave the house at 7 a.m. to attend a Leadership Nashville meeting. Although it made for an early morning for me, I was excited about the prospect of being able to spend some quality time with John Patrick before I went to work.
Usually, she wakes him and gives him a bottle, first thing in the morning. Today, I fed John Patrick his first bottle of the day. Then, we went into the bedroom, crawled on top of our bed and hung out for a while. I sat him up with a couple of books and He played by himself for a few minutes, like he normally does, then launched himself onto his stomach, smiling and flailing away with his arms and legs. Ever few seconds, he held his head up and looked around, confused that he hadn't managed to go anywhere. He'd put his head down, starting flailing his arms and legs, and look up again. Pretty funny stuff.
He managed to move around the bed by flopping over from his stomach onto his back, then onto his stomach again. That way, he manages to move in different directions, rolling over and over. He's getting pretty close to crawling, I think.
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