Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Bye Bye Dada"

All weekend long, John Patrick has been saying, "bye bye Dada," which is cool, because he hasn't really started stringing words together, until now. 

Also, he's been saying, "bye bye Carley" (his nanny) or, at least, his version of it.  He says, "bye bye," then makes a motorboat sound with his lips followed by an "ah" sound.  He does this in response to Jude and I asking him to say, "bye bye Carley," so we know that's what he's trying to say.  It's been really funny.  It's like he speaking a completely different dialect.

Tonight, our friends, Hal Humphreys and Kim Green stopped by and soon enough, John Patrick was saying "bye bye Ha," for "bye bye Hal."  I love it! 

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