Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Another Fall

It's a long, hard ride to the finish line.

Last night, for once, I went to bed early.  I was awakened from a rambling, sprawling dream - the details of which I don't remember - by the sound of my cell phone buzzing.  I answered and it was Alice, calling to tell me that my mom had fallen again.  Still half-asleep, I struggled to engage my mind in the conversation.

I had talked to my mom at 7:45 p.m., after JP's baseball practice and birthday party, and she was tired but sleepy.  I learned from Alice that Tracy had talked to her at 8:30 p.m. and she was fine.  When Alice called about 9 p.m. and got no answer, she called the staff at Maristone and asked them to check on her.  Sure enough, she had fallen out of her chair and was unable to get up.

Tracy was there and was going to spend the night.  Alice agreed to cover the morning shift with her.  I did a mental inventory of my work calendar and quickly realized I could be there from lunchtime on through the early evening, if necessary.  After that, who knows?

When I called and talked to Tracy, then my mom, just past midnight, my mom didn't even remember that she had fallen.  So there's that.

I don't know who this could get any harder.  I really don't.  For my mom and for us.

Tracy and I looked at lift chairs last weekend.  Tracy ordered one on Monday and it should arrive this week.  Maybe that will help.  Probably, it won't.

I don't know what our options are, at this point.  The staff at Maristone are checking on her every two hours, as it is.  Or they're supposed to be, anyway.  What can they do for someone who can't get out of her chair or walk without falling?  I have no idea but I guess we'll find out.

It breaks my heart to say this, but this is no way for my mom to live.

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