Friday, September 6, 2024


"Some days are diamonds.  Some days are rocks."

Tom Petty was right about that.  Today was a rock, for sure.  

I don't get down very often, thankfully.  It's just not my personality because I enjoy life, and people, so much.  When I do get down, though, it's a darkness more than night.  Very intense.  

I'm not sure when things turned on me because I was fine this morning.  An early meeting over coffee went well, I thought.  As I was leaving, I had a happenstance meeting with a nice lady who had blocked me in so she could unload some items into the shop she owns at the Factory.  I offered to help and we struck up a pleasant conversation.  She's a huge Tennessee sports fan and went to college in Knoxville, as I did.  We shared a few stories before I got I my truck for the 5 minute drive to my office.  It was one of those chance encounters that makes life interesting.  I hope her shop does well.  

As usual, there was a lot going on at work for me and not enough hours in the day to get to everything.  Getaway days are always stressful.  Knowing I would be leaving at the end of the day for Decatur, AL, for JP's first cross country meet of the season tomorrow only made me more aware of the need to get things done.  I've got to get some help not work, and soon.  It's hard to do that, though, when I'm so busy doing the actual work.  It's just a lot.  

I'm down, too, because of the death, illness, and misfortune that seems to have settled in and around my friends and acquaintances.  It's a long list and one that continued to grow longer every day.  The memorial service and funeral for my friend, David, is next weekend in Louisville, KY, and that's on my mind, I know.  On top of that, this week I learned of two more friends who are dealing with serious illnesses and, in one case, a bleak future, at best.  It's hard to understand how these type of things can continue to happen to good people.  And why they're happening now.  It make a person wonder.

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