Sunday, September 1, 2024

Joe's First 2-Mile Race

Thursday evening at USN's river campus, in the sweltering 100 degree heat, Joe ran in his first 2 mile cross country meet.  

Most of the 6th graders ran in the 1 1/2 mile race, earlier, but Coach Syd asked Joe and two of his teammates to run in the 2 mile race against the 7th and 8th graders.  Once you run up, so to speak, that's where you stay for the season.  Jude and I let Joe make the decision and he felt running in the 2 mile races this season would make him a better runner in the long run. 

The upside is that with a season of racing the 2 mile distance, he'll be more ready to for the  2 mile races as a 7th and 8th grader at MBA or USN.  The downside is that he will get his ass whipped in races by 8th graders this season, which may be tough for him because he's so competitive.  Still, I'm proud of him for taking the more challenging route.  It would have been easier, much easier, to run the 1 1/2 mile races this season.  

Thursday's race was a tough one, in large part due to the stifling heat.  On top of that, USN changed the cross country course, which I don't understand.  Truth be told, I don't understand much of what the USN administration and athletic department does these days.  That's a story of its own, however.

Unfortunately, Joe had been battling a summer cold for a few days leading up to the race.  That, combined with the heat, made it a tough go for him.  He got out pretty fast and ended up running the first mile in 6:30.  I could tell he was struggling, though.  He ran the second mile in 7:00 or so, 30 seconds slower for the first mile.

After the race, I could tell he was a little disappointed, because he had finished behind both of his 6th grade teammates.  I was proud of him and I told him so.  His first race in the heat, with a cold.  It was impressive.

More to come, for sure, and we'll see how it goes.

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