Wow. It seems like every couple of days, John Patrick passes a new milestone. Many are small, but noteworthy to Jude and me, nonetheless. Sometimes, it's a noise he's never made before. Other times, he laughs at something Jude or I do for the first time . . . a new song or activity that makes him laugh. Still other times, it's trying to put an outfit on him that is suddenly too small for him to wear.
Tonight, though, John Patrick passed a big milestone. For the first time, Jude fed him something other than breast milk or formula from a bottle. She mixed a little formula, water and "Beech Nut Rice Cereal for Baby." Perhaps the most amazing thing is she fed it to him with a tiny, pink baby spoon, while he sat in his bouncy seat on the dining room table.
It was pretty funny, because the first time she put a spoonful of the formula-cereal mixture in his mouth, his eyes widened and he looked really surprised and confused. Then, rather than spit it out, he swallowed it. He took to it like a duck to water, as each spoonful seemed to go down a bit easier than the last one. It was pretty crazy, really.
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