Thursday, August 5, 2010

Daddy Mustache

The Nashville Bar Association softball tournament was last weekend.  I've played in the league and, generally, with the same nucleus of players, for 17 or 18 years.  The tournament, always hot and always fun, lasted all day Saturday and Sunday.  My team, Riley, Warnock and Jacobsen, lost in the finals early Sunday evening in our fourth game of the day.  By the end, we were hot, tired and ready for it to be over.

Anyway, a few of us always grow some type of facial hair for the tournament.  This year, I sported a nice mustache, which Jude hated.  I even wore it to work a couple of days this week, before finally shaving it Wednesday morning because I had an oral argument in the Tennessee Court of Appeals.  J.P. liked it and after I shaved it, he rubbed his fingers above my upper lip and said, "bye bye, Daddy mustache." 

It was even funnier when I left for work this morning.  Instead of saying "bye bye, Dada," as he usually does, he said, "bye bye, Daddy mustache."  My new name, I guess.   

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