Thursday, February 23, 2012

Joseph Dylan Newman

It took a couple of days, but Jude and I settled on a name today for our new son - Joseph Dylan Newman.

As was the case with John Patrick, we came to the hospital with a working list of names and combinations of names.  I was pretty certain Joseph was going to be in there somewhere, which was a good thing, given that J.P. announced several weeks ago that his little brother was going to be named "Joey."  In fact, on Tuesday morning, he apparently announced to his teachers at school that later in the day, he was going to see his little brother, Joey.

We called J.P. at home this morning during breakfast with Jude's parents to tell him the name.  He immediately told us he liked the name, then advised he was going to call his little brother "Joseph Dylan," not "Joey."  I've already found myself referring to "Joey" as "John Patrick," which I guess it not too surprising, given that I'm operating on very little sleep at the hospital the past few days.

It's going to be one hell of a ride, I think.

Joseph Dylan Newman.  It kind of has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

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