Saturday, February 25, 2012

Moving Day

Yesterday, Jude, Joey and I packed up our gear and left the comfort and cocoon-like security of our room at Baptist Hospital, where we had been residing for the past four days.  The care the nurses had provided for us during our stay was outstanding.  We're especially grateful to Kiley, our nurse for the last couple of days we were there.  After she walked us out to the parking garage and Jude's Honda Pilot, Jude and I each gave her a hug and thanked her for being so patient and kind to us.

We weren't quite as nervous on the drive home from the hospital as we were with J.P. four years ago.  Actually, it was more a feeling of deja vous as I walked into our house carrying Joey in the same carrier I carried J.P. into our house in for the first time a lifetime ago.  Jude and I both remarked how uncanny the resemblance is between the two of them (as infants).  Others who have seen photos I've taken of Joey have noticed the same thing.

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