Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Covid Diaries; Vol. 5

Other than a lingering cough and drainage, I'm feeling much better.  Even when I felt my worst, I realized that so many people were so much worse off than me.  It's clear to me that what I sent through the first part of last week was nothing compared to the experience others have had with Covid-19.

Still, to be safe, I'm continuing to isolate in the house, and to be perfectly honest and more than a little selfish, it's not all bad.

Why?  For the first time in, well, forever, I have no responsibility for anyone in the house other than myself.  I'm on my own schedule.  I go to bed when I want to and I get up when I want to.  Truth be told, though, my schedule has become more regular now that I'm working full bore from home.

Since my appetite has returned, I get take out from wherever I want, for only me.  I can't and shouldn't handle food for Jude and the boys and I stay out of the kitchen except for brief pass throughs.  Last night, I had Amerigo.  The night before, 12South Tap Room.  I've also had dinner from Grilled Cheeserie and Epice.  Smiling Elephant.  Mine.  All mine. 

I watch what I want to watch on television or on my iPad.  Granted, not in the den on our 56' flat screen with surround sound, but still.  Undisturbed, I binged all three seasons of Ricky Gervais's "After Life" over four nights.  If I want to watch an NBA game, I watch an NBA game.  If I want to work after dinner, I work after dinner.  I've read two books and am well into a third and fourth book. 

Undisturbed.  No knocks on my office door.  Only silence. 

A friend of mine suggested I should be isolating in Monteagle.  Now, there's an idea.   

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