Friday, January 21, 2011

The Cable Guy

This is the type of post that will probably be read at J.P.'s rehearsal dinner, the night before his wedding.  In other words, it's not for the faint of heart and parental discretion is advised.

Jude and I fighting a losing battle in the potty training war, but that's a story for another day.  Last night, in between Jude repeatedly asking J.P. if he wanted to sit on the potty, he informed her he was "making a poo poo."  He had that look on his face, one of concentration.  He was having a bit of a tough time.

A few minutes later, we took him upstairs to give him a bath before bedtime.  While Jude was filling the bath tub with water, I took him into his room and laid him on the changing table to change his diaper.  I knew he was dirty, but still, my mouth fell open when I pulled his diaper off.  He had laid some serious cable, if you know what I mean.  Never, ever have I seen anything like that from J.P.  It was like a sculpture - long (almost like a torpedo) and fully formed - nicely shaped, really.  It was a full grown effort on his part.

"Jude.  Come check this out!"  I suggested.  She thought I was crazy.  "It's huge!"  I said.  J.P. immediately repeated, "It's huge!"  He and I were both laughing.  "Ginormous!"  I offered.  He agreed.  "Ginormous, Daddy!"

He and I carried his diaper into the bathroom to empty it in the toilet, as part of his potty training routine.  When I dropped his load in the toilet bowl, water splashed almost to the ceiling.  It was that impressive.

My son, the cable guy.    

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Nice. TMI, but nice.