Monday, March 17, 2008

What's Up, Doc?

Today, Jude and I had a scheduled appointment with her doctor. As of last week, we have weekly appointments. We'll see the doctor again on Monday, a week from today.

As was the case at last week's visit, the doctor "checked under the hood" (my words, obviously, not Jude's) to see how things are coming along. Not to get too graphic, but Jude's cervix is not dilated at all yet and is somewhat posterior. Still, she could go into labor at any time, but would probably be facing a long and difficult labor, unless her cervix begins to dilate in the new week or so. The important thing, though, is everything looks and sounds fine. The doctor found the heartbeat quickly, measured Jude's stomach (again confirming we're looking at a big baby, come delivery day) and confirmed she's doing great.

We had a fairly detailed discussion about whether to do the planned C-section on March 28 (the date on which it's currently scheduled) or April 2, the date we originally selected and for which we are currently on the waiting list. Keeping in mind that our original due date was April 7, 2008, the March 28 date would put Jude at about 38 1/2 weeks and the April 2 date would put her at a little more than 39 weeks. Right now, we're leaning toward March 28 for the planned C-section, even if April 2 should magically become available, which I don't think will happen.

Now, if Jude should go into labor before March 28, all bets are off. At that point, the plan is to see how she feels and monitor how labor progresses, before making a decision on whether to go ahead with a C-section. Personally, I don't see her going into labor early. What do I know, though? I'm just trying to win the Oscar for Best Supporting Husband.

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