Sunday, March 2, 2008

Saturday in the Park

Yesterday, I went for a morning run on the trails in Shelby Park. It was a gorgeous day, bright blue sky with the temperature around 50 degrees. I've been injured (plantar fascitis) and couldn't run for about six weeks, which almost killed me. One thing for sure, though, being hurt made me appreciate how much I really enjoy getting outside and going for a run. It's a simple act that brings such pleasure to my life.

Anyway, when I got to the park, I realized I didn't have my Ipod (I always run with it on and listen to podcasts, music, etc.). Since I was already there, I went ahead and ran five miles, alone with my thoughts and accompanied by the sounds of the park on a Saturday morning (boats on the Cumberland River, birds singing - a lot of birds, dogs barking and children laughing). For me, it's almost a form of meditation, when I run without my Ipod. My mind wanders as I fall into the rhythm of the pounding of my shoes on the trail.

I started thinking about Jude, the baby, and how very, very fortunate and blessed I am. I was thinking about all the things, new and wonderful things, I love about Jude being pregnant. I realize, of course, that my perspective is vastly different from hers. Still, there are little things I really enjoy and will miss after she has the baby.

At church on Sunday mornings, Jude often turns sideways in the pew, puts her feet up and leans her back against my side for support. I really love that.

Jude counts on me to do more around the house and I try to oblige her, because there are things that are just hard for her to do (bending down the feed the cats, lifting objects, etc.). I feel needed, which is nice, given that under normal circumstances, Jude's not one to often ask for help. I know I don't do enough, but I try.

Sometimes, when we're in bed at night, before we go to sleep, Jude will remark that the baby is really moving. She'll take my hand and place it on her stomach, then I'll feel our baby moving around inside of her. It's such an intimate moment and a thrill each and every time.

At night, I love to hear the sound of Jude's breathing, as she turns over on her side and falls asleep, after she's arranged all of the pillows in the bed to make her as comfortable as possible (which gets more and more difficult every day). I love it when she stirs at night in her sleep, trying to get comfortable.

I love to tell friends, acquaintances, even complete strangers that Jude and I are expecting our first child in less than a month. It never ceases to amaze me, but it's good for a smile every time, from whomever I'm speaking with - seriously. People are just so happy to hear the news and to talk with me about it.

At our doctor's appointments, I love it when the nurse puts Jude on the fetal heart monitor and I hear the baby's heartbeat. It's an amazing and oddly comforting sound.

I could go on and on, but it's getting late, tomorrow's Monday, and I need to get to bed.

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